Travel Health

Travel Vaccinations and Travel Health Consultations

Are you planning on travelling soon? It’s important to see your doctor 6-8 weeks before you see the world. However we understand that last minute trips pop up, or that life gets in the way of your best plans, so it’s never too late to discuss your travel with your GP.

A travel consultation is about more than checking if you need any vaccinations; it’s a comprehensive assessment of potential risks and how to minimise them with a view to your current health and needs.

Every trip and every traveller is different, so you will need a consultation to determine your individual needs. If you are travelling as a family, each person travelling will need an appointment. Talk to our friendly reception team about your appointment needs.

Some of the commonly occurring travel diseases are:
woman travelling holding a map

  • Mosquito borne illnesses (Yellow Fever, malaria, dengue, etc.)
  • Altitude sickness
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Diseases spread through animals like Rabies.
Some vaccines require a course over several weeks or sometimes months. Dr Sari Irlicht and Dr Julian Lee are Yellow Fever Accredited, so if you’re travelling to South America or parts of Africa, make an appointment with them for 30 minutes.

All travel consultations and vaccinations need to be booked through our reception team. 

Please bring your itinerary to the consultation as the doctor will need to know all the countries you are visiting, the duration of your trip, and whether you are staying in tourist or rural areas and accommodation.

At BFWC we offer the convenience of supplying all the vaccinations you need on site. Vaccines range in price from $30-$300 and the cost is per vaccine. Please note you may need more than one vaccine to be considered fully covered.

These include:

  • Whooping Cough (Pertussis) Tetanus Diphtheria Vaccine
  • Polio Pertussis Tetanus Diphtheria Vaccine
  • Polio Vaccine
  • Chicken Pox Vaccine
  • Flu Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A & Typhoid Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A & B Vaccine
  • Hepatitis A Vaccine – Adult / Child
  • Hepatitis B Vaccine

  • Japanese Encephalitis Vaccine
  • Meningococcal ACWY Vaccine
  • Measles Mumps Rubella Vaccine
  • Pneumonia Vaccine
  • Rabies Vaccine
  • Shingles Vaccine
  • Typhoid Vaccine
  • Yellow Fever Vaccine

Some worthy tips to be taken during travel

  • Take precautions against malaria by preventing mosquito bites with proper insect repellent and mosquito netting at night.
  • For road safety, wear your seat belt at all times while driving and always wear a helmet while bike riding.
  • Consume only clean drinking water or bottled water to prevent water-borne diseases like diarrhea.
  • During tropical travel, sun burns can be prevented by using sunscreens with high SPF value.
  • Leave animals alone as certain animal bites and scratches can cause rabies.
  • Stay in clean and hygienic housing to prevent diseases.
  • Take a medical pack including first aid & an adequate supply of your usual medications for the duration of your trip.  Some medications are not available in all destinations.
  • Take a letter from your GP listing any medications you are taking with you.
  • For further information & to register your trip go to