Men's Health Check

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Men's Health

While it’s incorrect to say men don’t visit their GP (most men over 40 have seen their GP in the last 12 months) men do tend to visit less often, have shorter appointments, and see their GP later.

Your GP provides a range of men’s health services including skin checks, prostate and bowel screening.

As well as seeing your GP for day-to-day needs, it is also important that men have regular health assessments, especially from the age of 45 and over.
Male doctor giving patient a men's health check
This is an overall health assessment that will enable you and your doctor to identify current and potential health problems.

This will allow you both to develop an ongoing health plan specific to you. While all GP’s see male patients and offer comprehensive health assessments to men, there are four male GP’s that utilise BFWC to consult to their patients. They offer a range of times from 8am to 8pm during the week to enable you to access care when you need to.
Dr Steve Foster

Dr. Steve Foster

Special interests & skills in Men’s Health, Minor skin procedures, cardiovascular conditions
Consults Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and some Saturdays
Dr Steve Foster is a graduate of the University of Queensland Medical School. After graduating in 2008 his work in Queensland included a variety of hospital and GP rotations in the South East until completing his Fellowship in General Practice in 2017. During this time he worked in Vascular and General Surgery, as well as Paediatric and Emergency Medicine. He moved to Melbourne with his young family in early 2019. Steve is interested in all areas of General Practice, and takes a particular interest in minor skin procedures, cardiovascular conditions, men’s health and preventive medicine. 
Dr Julian Lee

Dr. Julian Lee

Special interests & skills in Men’s health, Travel Medicine and minor procedures
Consults Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and some Saturdays
Dr Julian Lee was born in Melbourne, completed his medical degree at Monash University with honours, and then undertook his residency at Box Hill Hospital with experience in emergency medicine and orthopaedics. He is a fellow of the RACGP and has a particular interest in men's health, paediatrics and travel medicine. He also performs minor surgical procedures in the clinic.
Dr Michael Soon

Dr. Michael Soon

Special interests & skills in Chronic Disease Management and prevention
Consults every day except Thursday
Dr. Michael Soon has worked as a doctor in both solo and group general practice since 1987. He has special interests in men’s health and in the management and prevention of chronic diseases, such as asthma, diabetes and heart disease. Dr. Soon performs minor surgical procedures, such as removal of skin lesions.
Dr Andrew Woodard

Dr. Andrew Woodard

Special interest & skills in Allergies, Cardiovascular medicine
Consults Monday to Friday and every second Saturday
Dr. Andrew Woodard graduated from University of Melbourne with honours in 1983 and has had overseas experience working in hospitals in Burma and Malaysia. Andy has worked in General Practice since 1989. He holds a Graduate Certificate in Allergies. His other medical interests include men's health, cardiovascular medicine, paediatrics, and allergy.

What happens in the appointment?

You and your doctor will work through your medical history and your family’s medical history. You will explore your lifestyle, diet, exercise and ways of dealing with stress. Your doctor may include a heart, prostate, and diabetes risk assessment. You may be required to come back a couple of times over a 6-week period to cover all this information. Your doctor will explain this to you.

Will there be any tests needed?

During your men’s health check your doctor will take a thorough medical history of your health and your family.The check will also include a medical examination looking at your:

There will also be an opportunity for you and your doctor to develop plans for:

What may happen after the first appointment?

Your doctor may request you return for follow up testing after 3 - 6 months.

If there is more time needed to take further tests or to discuss in more detail specific health concerns, longer appointment times will be arranged for you. Your doctor can work with you to develop ways to manage stress and any lifestyle changes.

It is recommended to allow 30 minutes for your health assessment appointment. You can book a Men’s Health appointment via HotDoc or by calling reception.

How much will it cost?

You will need a 30 minute appointment and will be billed accordingly. Please also note that pathology, radiology etc. ordered during the appointment are not included in the doctors fee and may be billed privately by the provider.